I had not planned on writing anything on my lack of posts in over two months, but I have had a lot of views on my blog lately from my pins for posts on Pinterest. So I decided I should probably explain why it seems I just dropped off the edge of the Earth, blog wise.
So I was accepted into the Fall 2014 Disney College Program in the lifeguard role and was set to check-in on August 4. However, the week before my check-in date I developed a really bad respiratory infection. I went to the doctor for it and found out that on top of the respiratory infection I have hypothyroidism, which is nothing too serious just a problem with my thyroid not regulating my metabolism correctly and working like it should. Because of this I had to drop out and forgo the Fall 2014 Walt Disney World program of the DCP so that I could stay in town for blood test to monitor my thyroid and get over my respiratory infection. Even though my program ended before I had the chance to experience it, I am absolutely certain that I will participate in a Disney College Program. Knowing that still have plenty of time still to participate in a DCP has made the hard decision to change my fall plans and continue on with school this semester a little easier.
If you came to my blog looking for advice on being a DCP lifeguard I am sorry that I can only be of so much help, but here are some other places that can. Courtney from My Adventure Book was a lifeguard during the first part of her program and while she swapped roles her blog has a lot of post from her time as a lifeguard, is well written, and she updates it regularly!! There is also a YouTube video on being a DCP lifeguard that is really helpful by Roxanne LeBlanc that can be found here!!
Thanks for visiting my blog!! I hope to continue it when I get a chance again to participate in the DCP or if any related things pop up that would fit with this blog. If you are in the DCP right now I hope you are having a blast, and if you are about to participate in the upcoming program I hope you enjoy it!!!
Best Wishes to you all,
Jordon :)
This blog is where I will be covering my journey being a lifeguard on the Disney College Program this Fall!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Monday, July 7, 2014
Less Than A Month!!!!
So I have less than 1 Month till my Disney College Program Check-In!!!! I cannot believe it is almost here!! Time for me has just been flying by this summer with both my swim team assistant coaching job and lifeguarding. There is so much I have to do before my check-in. The biggest being packing! I am a horrible at packing so it is going to take me the rest of my time at home to pack!!
Tutorial on how I made this countdown calendar can be found here! :)
In other non-Disney things, I went to Warped Tour this last week in St. Louis and it was AMAZING!!! I got to see and meet my favorite band The Summer Set!! Funny story I have seen them three times now and met them twice but never in Tennessee where I am from. I have seen them in Florida, Wisconsin, and now Missouri. They have played shows in Nashville before I have just never been able to make it to them, but I am hoping to eventually make it to a Tennessee show. So anyway here are some photos that I took during We The Kings's set and The Summer Set's set!!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Disney College Program Course Registration
The course registration for the fall classes during the Disney College Program opened tonight at midnight eastern time. I however totally forgot about it, even though I had been reminding myself about it all day today in order to not forget. Tonight I was finishing up my assignments for one of the summer online courses I am currently taking to offset taking this fall semester off when the registration opened. Not thinking anything remotely about registering for my DCP classes, I got onto blogger to see if any of the blogs on my reading list had a new post. At the top of my list was a post by the blog Hannah's DCP about how she registered for classes and everyone on the Facebook group was freaking out when the registration opened due to the site being overloaded with traffic and not loading. As soon as I saw her post I panicked and quickly signed onto the on-boarding sight to register afraid that all of the classes would be full. Unfortunately Disney Heritage was wait-list only. However, that was not the only class I had in mind of taking. The class that I registered up for was my first choice, Creativity and Innovation. It cost only $24 to take and I believe I will have to buy/rent a book for the course as well. Compared to all of the cost of college courses this is a steal, and I have no problem with paying that amount.
You can take two classes during the fall, but I could not decide if I wanted to take any of the other courses. I am a Sociology major and a Psychology minor so a lot of the courses have no relation to my degree. The one that did in a way was the Security Professional Studies course, but I am not going into that area so it would serve no real purpose to me. I would LOVE to take the Engineering Professional Studies course!!! I almost majored in engineering and wanted/would love to be an Imagineer, but you have to be a engineering major to take the course. So I just opted to wait-list the Disney Heritage class, and if I don't get in it is cool and I will take just one class :)
So a big Thank You! goes out to Hannah for reminding me with your post tonight to register for classes!! On another note, I am even more excited now (if that's even possible!) after registering for classes to start my Disney College Program!!!! 43 Days!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Lifeguard Re-Certification
So Saturday I got re-certified as a lifeguard through the American Red Cross. I decided that I wanted to re-certify for several reasons. The biggest is to have a little extra income this summer (other than what I am already making as an Assistant Swim Team Coach) to save for my Disney College Program this fall!! Another is so that I get some more experience as a lifeguard before I am one this fall during my DCP. Also, it helped me know that I am prepared to be a lifeguard for Disney.
Going into the re-certification class I was really nervous about remembering everything and how to properly do it. I knew deep down I would be just fine and everything would go smoothly, but that didn't help calm my irrational nerves. However, despite my nerves everything went great like I knew it really would! I was able to breeze through the re-certification requirements.
For the American Red Cross swim tests I had to do:
•a 300 yard swim test- 100 freestyle/American crawl, 100 breast stroke, 100 freestyle/American crawl in that order without stopping
•the brick test- swim 20 yards, retrieve a 10 pound brick-equivalent to a hundred pound person in the water- from 10 ft deep water, and swimming the brick back carrying it with both hands on your chest while on your back within a minute and forty seconds(which is way more than enough time to do it in)
•a two minute no hands water treading
I also was able to successfully and effectively demonstrate all of the proper techniques for lifeguard saves/rescues, CPR, AED, and First Aid without any trouble. Plus I passed the written test without missing a single question.
So I re-certified through American Red Cross, but for Disney we have to certify through another group called Ellis. The swim tests that you take the night of check-in consists of (from what I have gathered from others) is:
•a 200 yard swim- 100 less than the American Red Cross!
•a brick test- retrieving a brick from about 8ft using a feet first surface dive (basically the same as the American Red Cross only I am not sure if Ellis has a time limit for this like the Red Cross does)
•a two minute tread- exactly what I did Saturday
I am not sure what all of the training sessions will be like in regards of comparison to the American Red Cross ones, but I do know Ellis will be more thorough due to there being water parks, slides, and other added risks to worry about when on duty as a lifeguard at Disney. Even though there are some differences between the two processes, I believe that I will be just fine! :) I finally feel like I will be able to do my DCP role to the best of my ability this fall, and it feels awesome knowing that I am prepared for it!! I am super excited to start my DCP!!!!! Too bad I have 47 days till my check in. It's a good thing my summer is going great and time is flying by! :)
Oh and if any of the information about the swim tests for Ellis is wrong feel free to leave a comment and I will correct it :)
Going into the re-certification class I was really nervous about remembering everything and how to properly do it. I knew deep down I would be just fine and everything would go smoothly, but that didn't help calm my irrational nerves. However, despite my nerves everything went great like I knew it really would! I was able to breeze through the re-certification requirements.
For the American Red Cross swim tests I had to do:
•a 300 yard swim test- 100 freestyle/American crawl, 100 breast stroke, 100 freestyle/American crawl in that order without stopping
•the brick test- swim 20 yards, retrieve a 10 pound brick-equivalent to a hundred pound person in the water- from 10 ft deep water, and swimming the brick back carrying it with both hands on your chest while on your back within a minute and forty seconds(which is way more than enough time to do it in)
•a two minute no hands water treading
I also was able to successfully and effectively demonstrate all of the proper techniques for lifeguard saves/rescues, CPR, AED, and First Aid without any trouble. Plus I passed the written test without missing a single question.
So I re-certified through American Red Cross, but for Disney we have to certify through another group called Ellis. The swim tests that you take the night of check-in consists of (from what I have gathered from others) is:
•a 200 yard swim- 100 less than the American Red Cross!
•a brick test- retrieving a brick from about 8ft using a feet first surface dive (basically the same as the American Red Cross only I am not sure if Ellis has a time limit for this like the Red Cross does)
•a two minute tread- exactly what I did Saturday
I am not sure what all of the training sessions will be like in regards of comparison to the American Red Cross ones, but I do know Ellis will be more thorough due to there being water parks, slides, and other added risks to worry about when on duty as a lifeguard at Disney. Even though there are some differences between the two processes, I believe that I will be just fine! :) I finally feel like I will be able to do my DCP role to the best of my ability this fall, and it feels awesome knowing that I am prepared for it!! I am super excited to start my DCP!!!!! Too bad I have 47 days till my check in. It's a good thing my summer is going great and time is flying by! :)
Oh and if any of the information about the swim tests for Ellis is wrong feel free to leave a comment and I will correct it :)
Monday, June 2, 2014
"And, it's also my birthday, just so you know"
So today was my 20th birthday!!!!! Well yesterday was, because this most likely will not be uploaded till the 2nd, haha! If you don't know where the quote in the title is from, it is from Tangled! I love that one and this one:
I went around saying them and the lines around them with my sister all last week and today! :)
One of the best things that happened on my birthday was after asking for a long time, I FINALLY got the Buzz Lightyear to my Woody!!!

I also got Anna and Elsa Disney Infinity characters! I will have to make a post one day about the Disney Infinity collection that my family and I have gathered over time. When I do I will link it here. Along with Anna and Elsa, I got two Frozen Posters that are Awesome!!! Plus they are only $5 each at Walmart and there are five different posters to choose from!!! These are the ones my family got me and I am in LOVE with them!!!
My cake this year was also Disney themed, it was a Disney Fairies cake with Tinker Bell and her sister Periwinkle on it. However, it still does not top the cake my sister made me for my 18th birthday. So while I do not have a picture of my cake from this year, I do have a picture of the AMAZING cake my sister made me for my 18th birthday so here it is:
Toy Story will always be my favorite movie ever, but Finding Nemo is sooo close they are almost tied at first. To have them both on my cake that year and tied in to each other the way they were on this cake thanks to the Hawaii Vacation Toy Story short was just perfectly amazing!!!!
I got other non-Disney items for my birthday too, my favorite being a new camera that I am really excited about from my parents!!! I am going to try out vlogging with it, because I really love the idea of vlogging and LOVE watching DCP vlogs!! So I hope to make my first vlog/youtube video sometime this week/weekend, and if I do I will link it on here. Fingers crossed that I like doing them!!
Rapunzel: So mother, earlier I was saying tomorrow is a really big day, and you didn't really respond, so I'm just gonna tell you: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Tada!
Mother Gothel: No no no, can't be. I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year.
Rapunzel: That's the funny thing about birthdays, they're kind of an annual thing. I went around saying them and the lines around them with my sister all last week and today! :)
I couldn't decide if I liked the picture or the full quote better so I put them both :) |
One of the coolest things about him is the fact that he came with ANDY written on the bottom of his foot!!! Also that he has the Star Command access panel communication spot, his laser works, and he has karate chop action!!!!

I also got Anna and Elsa Disney Infinity characters! I will have to make a post one day about the Disney Infinity collection that my family and I have gathered over time. When I do I will link it here. Along with Anna and Elsa, I got two Frozen Posters that are Awesome!!! Plus they are only $5 each at Walmart and there are five different posters to choose from!!! These are the ones my family got me and I am in LOVE with them!!!
My cake this year was also Disney themed, it was a Disney Fairies cake with Tinker Bell and her sister Periwinkle on it. However, it still does not top the cake my sister made me for my 18th birthday. So while I do not have a picture of my cake from this year, I do have a picture of the AMAZING cake my sister made me for my 18th birthday so here it is:
I got other non-Disney items for my birthday too, my favorite being a new camera that I am really excited about from my parents!!! I am going to try out vlogging with it, because I really love the idea of vlogging and LOVE watching DCP vlogs!! So I hope to make my first vlog/youtube video sometime this week/weekend, and if I do I will link it on here. Fingers crossed that I like doing them!!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Disney College Program Up Themed Countdown!!!
So I decided that I really wanted to do a count down calendar for my Disney College Program. Finally after weeks of wanting to make one I finally buckled down and made one. I looked to Pinterest for ideas and came across a lot of great ones but none that I really loved until I came across this idea by Kawaii Jess. You can find her pin here and if you want to pin my idea there is a button at the bottom of this post that allows you to or you can find the pin I have for it here.
Everyday her boys would pop balloons and inside would be a paper that had a different activity on the inside for them to do. I LOVED the Up theme of the countdown but I HATE to pop balloons. I decided that instead of popping balloons to count down I would add balloons to Mr. Fredricksen's house to help me fly away to my destination. So each day I will attach a new balloon to Mr. Fredricksen's house and reveal how many days I have left before I have enough balloons to "take off" to my Disney College Program!!!
The countdown calendar took me about a day to complete, mainly due to all the balloons I had to make. It was actually easier than I ever thought it was going to be. The supplies I used was very minimal and cheap due to having everything at my house. All I used was colored copy paper, white printer paper, sharpie, scissors, stick glue, tape, and a number/alphabet stencil I had around my house.
For the house I based my design off of the original pin that I found, because I liked how simplistic it was and how it still resembles Mr. Fredricken's house. For someone like me who is not the most artistic person in the world this house was very easy to do.
As for the balloons I made them by tracing a balloon shape from a post-it-note type paper in a balloon shape and making a paper stencil to use. I then folded each piece of paper in half and traced the balloon shape on one side. I then would cut two balloons out at once. For the numbers I traced them using stencils I had around the house, and after tracing the numbers I filled them in using sharpie. For the strings I just cut strips of the paper.

For the balloon holder that tells me how many days I have to go, I just took two sheets of paper and taped them together in an envelope fashion. Then I used the same stencils that I used for the numbers to do the letters on the balloon holder.
*I am really excited to see the balloons grow and grow as my DCP grows nearer!!! This countdown calendar can be reused for future countdowns, but I think that I am going to keep mine all together when I am done with the countdown and turn it into a mural type wall art. Also I can finally say that I marked one thing off my DCP bucketlist so far!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Disney Vera Bradley Purchase!!!
So yesterday I got in my Disney Vera Bradley "Midnight With Mickey" Print Mini Hipster Bag! If you aren't familiar with the Disney Vera Bradley Prints let me tell you some about them. Every season Vera Bradley puts out new prints for their products. Their products are mostly purses, bags, and wallets along with similar items such as id cases, lunch bags, and office supplies. Vera Bradley is a popular brand among both adults and teenagers, therefore Disney paired up with the company to make Disney exclusive prints. The prints debuted at the 2013 Disney Flower and Garden Festival and went on sale last fall. Disney started off with two prints: "Just Mousing Around" and "Midnight with Mickey".
I was originally going to order the smartphone wallet in "Just Mousing Around", but before I could make up my mind on if I wanted the wallet or possibly a bag everything was sold out online. So I decided that I would just wait and see if they restock online, because the only other option for me would have been to buy one that was waaayy over priced on ebay.
Disney did not restock the "Just Mousing Around" online, and I have no idea if they still have that print in the parks. Disney and Vera Bradley have since released at least two more prints "Where's Mickey" and "Perfect Petals". On top of that they announced a new print called "Bouncing Bouquet" that is being released soon or just has in the parks (I'm not sure about it's release).
As of right now disneystore.com has the print "Midnight with Mickey" in stock in the Smartphone Wallet, Zip ID Case, Hipster Bag, Large Duffel Bag, Backpack, and Mini Hipster Bag items. When these items came back in stock online I was looking for a small cross-body bag that I could carry around the parks this fall with ease. Normally all I carry around on a daily bases is a Vera Bradley All-in-One Wallet that I have had for like four years now. Therefore, I decided that the Mini Hipster Bag would be the perfect size for me to carry around the parks this fall while I am on the DCP. It easily stores all of the stuff I had in my wallet in the built in card slots, and there will be plenty of room for me to carry around a camera, sunscreen, sunglasses, and other things I might want like my pin lanyard.
Now when it comes to the Disney Vera Bradley Prints the layout of the pattern on your item varies and can turn out all sorts of ways when you receive it. There have been numerous people who have had to order their item, then sell the item on ebay, then order another one of the items sometimes multiple times to get a pattern layout on their item that they liked. I however think I got really lucky for I got the perfect pattern layout for me!
I really did not want too big or too many Mickey and Minnies on my bag because I really like the other parts of the pattern! So having Mickey and Minnie right in the center of the flap is perfect! It shows them off all while letting the rest of the pretty colors and design shine as well.
With Disney Store orders you have to pay shipping unless the order is over $75. This bag was $65, and shipping would have been a little over $10. So instead of wasting $10 on shipping, I just bought $10 worth of stuff and got free shipping! What I got were these awesome cups, one for me and one for my sister. They are soo cute and I love them!!
"Just Mousing Around"(left) and "Midnight with Mickey"(right) |
I was originally going to order the smartphone wallet in "Just Mousing Around", but before I could make up my mind on if I wanted the wallet or possibly a bag everything was sold out online. So I decided that I would just wait and see if they restock online, because the only other option for me would have been to buy one that was waaayy over priced on ebay.
Disney did not restock the "Just Mousing Around" online, and I have no idea if they still have that print in the parks. Disney and Vera Bradley have since released at least two more prints "Where's Mickey" and "Perfect Petals". On top of that they announced a new print called "Bouncing Bouquet" that is being released soon or just has in the parks (I'm not sure about it's release).
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"Perfect Petals" |
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"Bouncing Bouquets" |
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"Mousing Around" |
As of right now disneystore.com has the print "Midnight with Mickey" in stock in the Smartphone Wallet, Zip ID Case, Hipster Bag, Large Duffel Bag, Backpack, and Mini Hipster Bag items. When these items came back in stock online I was looking for a small cross-body bag that I could carry around the parks this fall with ease. Normally all I carry around on a daily bases is a Vera Bradley All-in-One Wallet that I have had for like four years now. Therefore, I decided that the Mini Hipster Bag would be the perfect size for me to carry around the parks this fall while I am on the DCP. It easily stores all of the stuff I had in my wallet in the built in card slots, and there will be plenty of room for me to carry around a camera, sunscreen, sunglasses, and other things I might want like my pin lanyard.
Now when it comes to the Disney Vera Bradley Prints the layout of the pattern on your item varies and can turn out all sorts of ways when you receive it. There have been numerous people who have had to order their item, then sell the item on ebay, then order another one of the items sometimes multiple times to get a pattern layout on their item that they liked. I however think I got really lucky for I got the perfect pattern layout for me!
I really did not want too big or too many Mickey and Minnies on my bag because I really like the other parts of the pattern! So having Mickey and Minnie right in the center of the flap is perfect! It shows them off all while letting the rest of the pretty colors and design shine as well.
With Disney Store orders you have to pay shipping unless the order is over $75. This bag was $65, and shipping would have been a little over $10. So instead of wasting $10 on shipping, I just bought $10 worth of stuff and got free shipping! What I got were these awesome cups, one for me and one for my sister. They are soo cute and I love them!!
So this might not have been completely Disney College Program related, but in a way it is because it is items I will use during my program all the time!! If I wind up vloging as well as blogging (which I hope to do because it seems like a ton of fun!) I will try to remember to do a what is in my bag vlog to show what all the Mini Hipster can hold and what all it has in terms of pockets and things. If you have any questions about anything just comment on this post or any other and I will answer them to the best of my ability. Oh and I hope all of the CPs that checked in this past Monday are having a blast so far with check-in and traditions!! Also that those that will be checking in during these up coming weeks will have an awesome time as well!!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
You've been accepted into a DCP now what?
Everything builds up to the moment you get accepted into a DCP. Once you get accepted you pay your program fees of $304.50 (this is the current cost and it covers housing activities and rent for the first two weeks when you aren't really getting paid), pick your arrival date, and find your roommates. Once those few steps are done you are back to waiting again. There is still a bit of paper work that you have to do, as well as register for housing and classes, but none of these things are available till a month or so before your program. For those doing just Fall, like I am, there are around 100 days or so till those things are open to us. There is still a ton of waiting for us Fall DCP folks. So here are some thing that you could do while waiting on your DCP to start:
•get a short time job
•make a blog
-blogs are a great way to keep family and friends up to date on how everything is going without having to call everyone all of the time, and if you make it this early you can work out all the kinks before your family and friends see it
•make some vlogs
-same thing as the blogs, only with vlogs they can actually hear your voice and see what you are talking about
•read some blogs
-there are tons of DCP blogs out there and they offer tons of suggestions for things to do when you are down there
•watch some vlogs
-there are even more DCP vloggers out there that take you on some pretty awesome experiences, my favorite is amypuddlesDCP
•chat with some of your future fellow Cast Members
-Go on the Facebook group and chat it up
•make sure everything is good to go with your school and scholarships
-now is the time to make sure everything is in order with your school, not once you're down in Florida
•make a Disney themed countdown
-There are tons of fun countdowns that you can make to help the time go by faster. Pinterest is a great place to go find ideas for Disney countdown!
•make a DCP bucket list
-a bucket list will help you figure out some of the thing you want to do when you are doing your DCP and will be a great reference on days you can't figure out what you want to do. You could even take yours and your roommates bucket list items and put them into a jar to draw out of to see what to do that day. Kind of like this only with Disney ideas.
•spring clean your room
-hate it or not it's a time waster, and you will know where everything is when it is time to pack.
•prepare for your DCP role
-this is more geared for lifeguards, prepare for the swim and CPR/lifeguard tests that you have to pass in order to keep your role and not be transferred to another
•make a Disney canvas
-make a Disney canvas painting to put up in your room now and when you get to the DCP
•make a DCP Pinterest board
-you can pin bucket list ideas, Disney quotes, and tips about the parks and the DCP
•learn to cook very easy and simple meals
-learn now or else you will wind up eating ramen or hot pockets every night
•take the empty boxes, bags, suitcases, and containers you will pack with and do a mock packing of your car to see exactly what you will be able to fit in you car
-this will let you know just how much you can fit into your car to take down there, and it will help you not over pack
•make a detailed packing list
-this makes sure that you don't forget any of the important stuff and don't bring a lot of unnecessary stuff
•focus on school instead
-drive head first into school, pass those finals, and get that 4.0 GPA
*who am I kidding, how can one possibly focus fully on school when they are going to Disney soon!!!
-spend your time volunteering and if helping others is not enough of a reason, it also will beef up your resume
•watch every Disney movie in order
-bring out those old VHS and watch every movie from Snow White to Frozen and don't forget Pixar movies!! You could even have a separate marathon of Pixar movie if you like
•dye your hair
-it's your last chance to do so before you have to follow "the Disney Look"
-this is an awesome thing to do to keep your disneyitis (like senioritis but worse) somewhat at bay
*if for some reason you don't know what disneybounding is here is the link to their tumblr http://disneybound.tumblr.com
•get a short time job
-get a summer job in the role you were selected for to gain more experience in it, and/or to make extra money for spending on the program
•sell or donate old cloths and items
-donating will feed your sole, but selling them to confinement/second hand shops will feed your piggy bank so that you have extra money to do things during your DCP
*Remember these are just my opinions and half of these I made up on the spot. If you have any ideas on how a future CP like myself can pass the time before their program feel free to comment them or any questions you have below.
*Remember these are just my opinions and half of these I made up on the spot. If you have any ideas on how a future CP like myself can pass the time before their program feel free to comment them or any questions you have below.
Friday, March 28, 2014
A Kid at Heart
So this was yesterday's (March 27th) Luann. This sums up my ideal way to spend a day perfectly and to top it off Toy Story is my favorite movie!!! I not only can see my sister and I saying the same things, we do stuff like that a lot! When I lived in the dorms at the college I transferred from my favorite thing to do in the morning was watching Disney Junior while sitting on my bed eating cereal. If I was really lucky I had Cap'n Crunch! When I do things that I did so often as a kid I remind myself to not stress over school or whatever is on my mind and instead remember how simple and easy going life can be and is. I can say whole heartily that I still get the same satisfaction from doing what is considered "kids stuff" as I did when I was a kid. Therefore I truly am still a kid at heart, always will be, and can totally relate to this comic!!! I hope that you got the same joy of reading this as I did!
Update March 28th: Here is today's Luann and they watched Toy Story and ate Fruit Loops!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
My DCP Postcard came in!!
So yesterday I finally got my postcard in the mail!!!! Now in reality this is not something amazing. Its not like it is an acceptance letter and this is how you find out if you got into the Disney College Program or not. That would be sort of awesome if it was though. So from the outside world this postcard means nothing but if you are a future CP this is as awesome as an acceptance letter from a top school. This postcard is another reminder that you got into the program that you have been wanting to do forever!! It also a reminder that your program, though it may seem far off, is right around the corner and you really are getting to work at the happiest place on Earth, WALT DISNEY WORLD!!! So though it is just a postcard, it is truly so much more for anyone about to do a DCP.

Monday, March 17, 2014
Disney College Program Facebook Groups
With each of programs for the Disney College Program there are Facebook groups that pop up anywhere from a year in advance or a couple of weeks before applications to the next DCP are rumored to be released. These groups are not made by Disney, but rather folks just like you and me who are hoping to do the next program. Disney does have a DCP page but not a group, it can be found at www.facebook.com/DisneyCollegeProgram. Most of the groups are closed and you have to send a request to be added to it. Don't let this throw you off, they accept basically everyone who sends an invite and accept yours within a couple of minutes or hours depending on the time of day. Here are some of the benefits of joining the facebook group of your (hopeful) program:
•Everyone is in the same boat as you waiting for acceptances
-It is really awesome to see that you aren't the only one waiting around refreshing your dashboard every few seconds
•When acceptances start rolling out you can see exactly what roles are being accepted at the time and when the waves of acceptances are
-This was really helpful and neat to see what roles where being
accepted different times. It helps you kind of tell when you might get an acceptance email.
•Once acceptances do go out you can find answers to any of your new or remaining questions
-There are tons of people in the group that have the exact same questions that you do. If you don't ask you question someone else most likely already has or will. There are quite a bit of CP alumni that are doing another DCP or are just there to help, so all the questions get a pretty accurate answer.
•You can find links to new groups that are just people who were accepted into the same roll as you
-These groups are awesome!! These groups help you find out more specifics about your roll, and what to expect. You also get to meet a lot of people that you could possibly be working with when you get down there.
•This is one of the best places to find roommates
-These groups are where everyone tends to find there roommates for their DCP. This is where everyone posts roommate surveys for others to get to know things about them to see if they are interested in being roommates. Some of the things on it say what your arrival date is, wellness or non-wellness, do you snore, what you like to do, what your personality is like, do you drink/party/smoke if so how often. Just basic questions.
•Its an awesome place to post that you got accepted into the DCP
-When I got accepted I posted on the main Facebook group that I had gotten accepted as a Fall 2014 Lifeguard so that I could inform others like they had been informing me. Within seconds of posting I had tons of people I didn't even know liking and commenting congratulations on my post. It felt really awesome to see all these people so excited to see another person got accepted. It really makes you feel accepted and like you have a ton of friends even though you know nothing about them.
There are some negatives to the Facebook groups though. Not enough to say stay away from the groups though. They are great, but here is what I found/observed.
•Like any group of people there will be those rude and annoying people in the group
-This goes with anything you do in life. There is always that one person in the mix. Luckily I haven't really seen any of those people except for once or twice
•You can get discouraged when you see all of the acceptances and you haven't gotten yours yet
-This just makes you really anxious to get your acceptance email. Trust though it will come, and it will come when you least expected or when you finally stop refreshing all the time.
•There are A TON of people on there so it is very hard to keep up with posts
-There are 3,450 people in the Fall Advantage/Fall 2014 group and the number is growing all the time. That's a lot of people posting all to one page so there are constantly new post and you can lose track of them.
•After a while the Facebook group for your role will seem way better than the overall one
-At least for me it has, because there are less than 100 people in the lifeguarding group for Fall Advantage/Fall 2014. This group is waaayy easier to keep up with and has more of the information I am looking for when it comes to the questions I have.
My main tips with how to approach the Facebook groups are:
•Do like I did and join the group right before you think acceptances are going to go out or when they start going out
-This keeps you from picking out roommates too early. You don't want to already have a roommate and then it gets really awkward when they don't get in and you do. Joining later keeps you from having to see all of the complaining and whining about "why aren't acceptances out yet" "I'm never going to get in" and other post like that. Those things just bring you energy and excitement down.
•Join the group with the most members to join as they will have the best information
-The more members in the group, the more popular the group, the more information it has.
•Most importantly join your roll's Facebook group
-I can't tell you enough how much you should join your roll's group. This is where you will find the most information for your roll specific questions and meet your (possible) future fellow cast members. There is sometimes even one or two CP alumni in the group that can give you so much information about your roll from first hand experience. If there is a CP alumni in the group there is most likely someone in the group that knows one who did the same roll.
These are just my opinions based on what I observed. In the end it's up to what you want to do. If you love Facebook groups knock you self out, join one early, or maybe even be the one to create your programs group!
If you have any questions just comment below and I will try to answer them as best as I can!
Saturday, March 15, 2014
My Disney College Program Application to Acceptance Timeline
February 7th- DCP Applications went out
February 10th- I Applied
February 10th- Got my DCP WBI email while I was asleep
February 11th- I did my WBI
February 12th- I scheduled my phone interview(I waited to see if a better time would reopen and it did)
February 20th- I had my phone interview at 7:15 at night
February 26th- Acceptances started rolling out
February 28th- Paid my $304.50 program/housing fees and picked my arrival date of August 4th, 2014
March 11th- I started this blog!
March 21st- My Postcard came in!!!!
Phone Interview Part 2- The Last Step towards doing a DCP
In the last blog post I talked about ways to prepare for the phone interview. In this one I am going talk about my phone interview and how it went. If you want to read Part 1 here is the link. I scheduled my interview for 7:15 at night. My interview was a week and two days from when I scheduled it. I prepared for it all week by watching vlogs, reading blogs, makings flashcards of possible questions, and practicing my answers non stop. My planner was full of more things I could do and a count down of days till the interview. I decided that I would do my interview in my room which is the only room that is upstairs in my house so it is very quiet and I have full cell service up there. About two hours before my interview I started to prepare my space for the interview and get focus and calm. First of all I made sure my phone was plugged up and charging! I clean my desk off of everything. I then spread out all of my cheat sheets and a blank piece of paper for jotting down the interviewers name on my desk. After that I put some of my favorite Disney items around me to remind me of Disney during the interview. Some of the things I put around me were my tickets to the trips I took to Disney World and Disneyland, photos that I took while I was on those trips, my mickey ears, my Woody doll, and some Finding Nemo toys. All of those things remind me just how much I love Disney and their parks and why I want to work there. After I had the area I was going to interview at ready to go I still had about an hour and a half before my interview. So I grabbed a snack and went over my flashcards some more. then when I had about an hour to go I turned on some Disney music and did some yoga. This helped calm me down and get truly focused on the interview. Fifteen minutes before my interview I sat down and waited for the call to come. My interviewer called at 7:19 and the interview lasted for 27 minutes. The following are the questions I was asked my interviewer Danielle. They aren't in the order that she asked me because I could barely remember what they were when I wrote them down after my interview. The first one though was the first question I was asked.
•Tell me a little bit about why you want to the Disney College Program
•Tell me about your past work experience
•How would you handle a repetitive task such as telling every guest in a ride line to watch their step
•If a guest was coming to ask you a question how would you make them feel special
•Have you handled money before
•How are you with memorizing long speeches and talking in front of large crowds
•I had put low interest on character performer so she asked if I have had any dance experience and which audition I would attend if I decided to go to one
•Can you handle standing or walking for long periods of time
•Have you handled any emergencies
•Do you have any life guard experience
•What type of work pace do you prefer
•Do you prefer working with a team or alone
•Are you familiar with the Disney look
•What are your top three roles
•Why do you want to be a character attendant(my 1st choice)
•Have you had any body modifications
•Do you have a valid drivers license
•Are you currently studding in the United States and a US citizen
•Could you handle working outdoors in the Florida heat and weather
After she asked me all of the questions she had I asked her a few questions. I asked her some things about housing and how she got her start in the Disney Company. It was pretty cool because she got her start in the company with the DCP as well. So then I got to ask her a lot of follow up questions about all the program and her favorite parts of Disney. After I was done asking questions she said I would here back in about 2-3 weeks. I then thanked her and hung up. A few hours later I received the following email, and the wait game began.
So that is how my interview went. If you have any questions about my interview or anything else comment below and I will answer it the best I can.
•Tell me a little bit about why you want to the Disney College Program
•Tell me about your past work experience
•How would you handle a repetitive task such as telling every guest in a ride line to watch their step
•If a guest was coming to ask you a question how would you make them feel special
•Have you handled money before
•How are you with memorizing long speeches and talking in front of large crowds
•I had put low interest on character performer so she asked if I have had any dance experience and which audition I would attend if I decided to go to one
•Can you handle standing or walking for long periods of time
•Have you handled any emergencies
•Do you have any life guard experience
•What type of work pace do you prefer
•Do you prefer working with a team or alone
•Are you familiar with the Disney look
•What are your top three roles
•Why do you want to be a character attendant(my 1st choice)
•Have you had any body modifications
•Do you have a valid drivers license
•Are you currently studding in the United States and a US citizen
•Could you handle working outdoors in the Florida heat and weather
After she asked me all of the questions she had I asked her a few questions. I asked her some things about housing and how she got her start in the Disney Company. It was pretty cool because she got her start in the company with the DCP as well. So then I got to ask her a lot of follow up questions about all the program and her favorite parts of Disney. After I was done asking questions she said I would here back in about 2-3 weeks. I then thanked her and hung up. A few hours later I received the following email, and the wait game began.
So that is how my interview went. If you have any questions about my interview or anything else comment below and I will answer it the best I can.
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