So I decided that I really wanted to do a count down calendar for my Disney College Program. Finally after weeks of wanting to make one I finally buckled down and made one. I looked to Pinterest for ideas and came across a lot of great ones but none that I really loved until I came across this idea by Kawaii Jess. You can find her pin here and if you want to pin my idea there is a button at the bottom of this post that allows you to or you can find the pin I have for it here.
Everyday her boys would pop balloons and inside would be a paper that had a different activity on the inside for them to do. I LOVED the Up theme of the countdown but I HATE to pop balloons. I decided that instead of popping balloons to count down I would add balloons to Mr. Fredricksen's house to help me fly away to my destination. So each day I will attach a new balloon to Mr. Fredricksen's house and reveal how many days I have left before I have enough balloons to "take off" to my Disney College Program!!!
The countdown calendar took me about a day to complete, mainly due to all the balloons I had to make. It was actually easier than I ever thought it was going to be. The supplies I used was very minimal and cheap due to having everything at my house. All I used was colored copy paper, white printer paper, sharpie, scissors, stick glue, tape, and a number/alphabet stencil I had around my house.
For the house I based my design off of the original pin that I found, because I liked how simplistic it was and how it still resembles Mr. Fredricken's house. For someone like me who is not the most artistic person in the world this house was very easy to do.
As for the balloons I made them by tracing a balloon shape from a post-it-note type paper in a balloon shape and making a paper stencil to use. I then folded each piece of paper in half and traced the balloon shape on one side. I then would cut two balloons out at once. For the numbers I traced them using stencils I had around the house, and after tracing the numbers I filled them in using sharpie. For the strings I just cut strips of the paper.

For the balloon holder that tells me how many days I have to go, I just took two sheets of paper and taped them together in an envelope fashion. Then I used the same stencils that I used for the numbers to do the letters on the balloon holder.
*I am really excited to see the balloons grow and grow as my DCP grows nearer!!! This countdown calendar can be reused for future countdowns, but I think that I am going to keep mine all together when I am done with the countdown and turn it into a mural type wall art. Also I can finally say that I marked one thing off my DCP bucketlist so far!!!