I had not planned on writing anything on my lack of posts in over two months, but I have had a lot of views on my blog lately from my pins for posts on Pinterest. So I decided I should probably explain why it seems I just dropped off the edge of the Earth, blog wise.
So I was accepted into the Fall 2014 Disney College Program in the lifeguard role and was set to check-in on August 4. However, the week before my check-in date I developed a really bad respiratory infection. I went to the doctor for it and found out that on top of the respiratory infection I have hypothyroidism, which is nothing too serious just a problem with my thyroid not regulating my metabolism correctly and working like it should. Because of this I had to drop out and forgo the Fall 2014 Walt Disney World program of the DCP so that I could stay in town for blood test to monitor my thyroid and get over my respiratory infection. Even though my program ended before I had the chance to experience it, I am absolutely certain that I will participate in a Disney College Program. Knowing that still have plenty of time still to participate in a DCP has made the hard decision to change my fall plans and continue on with school this semester a little easier.
If you came to my blog looking for advice on being a DCP lifeguard I am sorry that I can only be of so much help, but here are some other places that can. Courtney from My Adventure Book was a lifeguard during the first part of her program and while she swapped roles her blog has a lot of post from her time as a lifeguard, is well written, and she updates it regularly!! There is also a YouTube video on being a DCP lifeguard that is really helpful by Roxanne LeBlanc that can be found here!!
Thanks for visiting my blog!! I hope to continue it when I get a chance again to participate in the DCP or if any related things pop up that would fit with this blog. If you are in the DCP right now I hope you are having a blast, and if you are about to participate in the upcoming program I hope you enjoy it!!!
Best Wishes to you all,
Jordon :)